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地 址:北京市海淀区清华大学李兆基科技大楼B-535室,邮编100084
电 话:(010)-6278-6330 电子邮箱:sui@tsinghua.edu.cn


2014-2017 苏黎世联邦理工学院 机械与过程工程系 博士 

2010-2013 慕尼黑工业大学 计算机系 硕士 

2006-2010 上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院 学士


2022.08- 清华大学 燃烧能源中心、能源与动力工程系 助理教授、博导、特别研究员 

2021.01-2022.07 密苏里科技大学 机械与航天工程系 助理教授、博导 

2020.10-2020.12 普林斯顿大学 机械与航天工程系 副研究员 (Associate Research Scholar) 

2018.03-2020.09 普林斯顿大学 机械与航天工程系 博士后


CNF、ProCI、CST、Fuel、JQSRT、IJHE、ICHMT等二十余个SCI期刊和国际会议审稿人,国际燃烧学会普林斯顿暑校Co-Organizer (2022)、Coordinator (2019-2021),曾受邀担任国际燃烧大会等国际会议分会场主席。




2021年 国家级青年人才项目 

2019年 德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院 青年PI奖 

2018年 瑞士国家科学基金委 博士后Fellowship 

2017年 国际燃烧学会 杰出论文奖 

2017年 国家留学基金委 国家优秀自费留学生奖学金 

2012年 欧盟伊拉莫斯奖学金





1. R. Sui, J. Mantzaras, R. Bombach, M. Khatoonabadi. High-pressure kinetic interactions between CO and H2 during syngas catalytic combustion on palladium, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 39, in press, 2023.

2. J. Mantzaras, R. Sui, R. Bombach. Fuelrich hetero-/homogeneous combustion of C3H8/O2/N2 mixtures over rhodium, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 39, in press, 2023.

3. R. Sui, J. Mantzaras, Z. Liu, C.K. Law. Kinetic modeling of total oxidation of propane over rhodium, Combustion and Flame, 243, 111847, 2022.

4. S. Zheng, H. Liu, R. Sui, B. Zhou, Q. Lu. Effects of radiation reabsorption on laminar NH3/H2/air flames, Combustion and Flame, 235, 111699, 2022.

5. R. Sui, J. Mantzaras, C.K. Law, R. Bombach, M. Khatoonabadi. Homogeneous ignition of H2/CO/O2/N2 mixtures over palladium at pressures up to 8 bar, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38(4), 6583-6591, 2021.

6. J. Mantzaras, R. Sui, C.K. Law, R. Bombach. Heterogeneous and homogeneous combustion of fuellean C3H8/O2/N2 mixtures over rhodium at pressures up to 6 bar, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38(4), 6473-6482, 2021.

7. Z. Liu, V.R. Unni, S. Chaudhuri, R. Sui, C.K. Law, A. Saha. Self-turbulization in cellularly unstable laminar flames, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 917, A53, 2021.

8. R. Sui, W. Liang, L. Zhang, J. Mantzaras, C.K. Law. Kinetic interactions between H2 and CO in catalytic oxidation over PdO, Combustion and Flame, 211, 270-280, 2020.

9. R. Sui, W. Liang, J. Mantzaras, C.K. Law. Coupled reaction mechanism reduction for the hetero-/homogeneous combustion of syngas over platinum, Combustion and Flame, 214, 37-46, 2020.

10. S. Zheng, R. Sui, W. Liang, H. Zhou, C.K. Law. On band lumping, radiation reabsorption, and high-pressure effects in laminar flame propagation, Combustion and Flame, 221, 86-93, 2020.

11. R. Sui, J. Mantzaras, E. Es-sebbar, R. Bombach. Hetero-/homogeneous combustion of fuel-lean CH4/O2/N2 mixtures over PdO at elevated pressures, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 37(4), 5465-5472, 2019.

12. R. Sui, J. Mantzaras, R. Bombach. H2 and CO heterogeneous kinetic interactions in the combustion of H2/CO/O2/N2 mixtures over rhodium, Combustion and Flame, 202, 292-302, 2019.

13. S. Zheng, R. Sui, Y. Yang, Y. Sun, H. Zhou, Q. Lu. An improved full-spectrum correlated-k-distribution model for non-gray radiative heat transfer in combustion gas mixtures, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 114, 104566, 2019.

14. R. Sui, E. Es-sebbar, J. Mantzaras, R. Bombach. Homogeneous ignition during fuel-rich H2/O2/N2 combustion in platinum-coated channels at elevated pressures, Combustion and Flame, 180, 184-195, 2017.

15. R. Sui, J. Mantzaras, R. Bombach. A comparative experimental and numerical investigation of the heterogeneous and homogeneous combustion characteristics of fuel-rich methane mixtures over rhodium and platinum, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36(3), 4313- 4320, 2017. (国际燃烧学会杰出论文奖)

16. R. Sui, J. Mantzaras, R. Bombach, A. Denisov. Hetero-/homogeneous combustion of fuel-lean methane/oxygen/nitrogen mixtures over rhodium at pressures up to 12 bar, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36(3), 4321-4328, 2017.

17. R. Sui, J. Mantzaras. Combustion stability and hetero-/homogeneous chemistry interactions for fuel-lean hydrogen/air mixtures in platinum-coated microchannels, Combustion and Flame, 173, 370-386, 2016.

18. R. Sui, N.I. Prasianakis, J. Mantzaras, N. Mallya, J. Theile, D. Lagrange, M. Friess. An experimental and numerical investigation of the combustion and heat transfer characteristics of hydrogen fueled catalytic microreactors, Chemical Engineering Science, 141, 214-230, 2016.

地址: 北京市海淀区清华大学李兆基科技大楼B511室, 邮编 100084
电话: (010) 627-98267


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