2019-至今 清华大学能动系/燃烧能源中心,副教授
2019-至今 中国空间站燃烧科学实验系统,责任科学家/副主任设计师
2016-2019 清华大学能动系/燃烧能源中心,助理教授
The Combustion Institute, AIAA(高级会员), ASME, 中国工程热物理学会,中国空间科学学会
Young Editorial Board Member, Journal of Thermal Science (2023~2026)
特邀专题主编 "微重力燃烧", 清华大学学报(自然科学版) (2023~2024)
Combustion and Flame, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Microgravity Science and Technology
Combustion Science and Technology, Combustion Theory and Modelling
Atomization and Sprays, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, NPJ Microgravity
Energy Conversion and Management, Journal of Thermal Science, Chinese Journal of Space Science等
2024.09-至今 载人航天工程空间应用系统微重力燃烧科学领域科学工作委员会委员
2022.08 13th Asian Microgravity Symposium,组织委员会委员,燃烧会场共同主席
2022.01-至今 中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会,程序委员会委员
2021.11-至今 中国空间科学学会,微重力科学与应用研究专业委员会委员
2021.08 International Conference on Liquid Atomization & Spray Systems (ICLASS) 2021,燃料喷雾和燃烧分会场主席
2019.04-2022.08 中国空间科学学会微重力青年委员会,副主任委员
2018.10-2019.05 第五届全国青年燃烧会议,执行主席
2018.01-2020.12 中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会,程序委员会委员
2017.11-至今 全国空间科学及其应用标准化技术委员会,微重力燃烧标准化工作组成员
· 空间站和地基微重力燃烧实验
· 单液滴与液滴群燃烧
· 近极限与等离子体火焰结构与动力学
· 燃烧反应动力学、蒸发、输运现象的准连续模型建模方法
Y.C. Liu, Plenary Lecture, "Development and Outlook of Ground-based and Space-based Microgravity Combustion Research in China", 13th Asian Microgravity Symposium, Jeju, Korea (virtual), Oct. 24-28, 2022.
1. 刘有晟, "中国空间站燃烧科学实验规划与装置介绍”, 2022年中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会,上海,2022年12月8-11日
2. Y.C. Liu, H. Zhou, Invited Keynote, “Droplet group combustion in microgravity”, 13th Asian Microgravity Symposium, Jeju, Korea (virtual), Oct. 24-28, 2022.
3. Y.C. Liu, Q. Yao, Invited Keynote, “Program and development of ground-based and space-based combustion research in China”, Conference of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application, virtual, Oct. 15, 2021
4. 刘有晟,"微重力气体火焰研究和空间站气体燃烧科学实验“,第一届中国空间科学大会,厦门,2019年10月25-28日
1. 清华大学2023年大学生研究训练(SRT)计划优秀指导教师一等奖,2023年12月
2. 清华大学第41届“挑战杯”优秀指导教师,2023年5月
3. 2022年中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会优秀科普作品奖,“致敬航天人-空间站梦天燃烧柜之旅”
4. 2022年清华大学优秀班主任一等奖
1. H. Zhou, X. Li, Y.C. Liu*, "A laminar spray group combustion experiment (LSGCE) with in situ image diagnostic methods and image analysis algorithms", Review of Scientific Instruments 95 (2024) 085107. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0181997
2. Y. Wen, L. Li, X. Li, L. Luo, T. Chen, W. Zhang, H. Zhou, S. Chen, Y. Sun, J. Shi, X. Huang, R. Mevel, S. Wang, H. Zheng, X. Yang, X. Zhang, Y. He, C. Du. J. Cao, Y.C. Liu*, "Extinction of microgravity partially premixed flame aboard the Chinese Space Station", Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 40 (2024) 105574. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2024.105574
3. W. Zhang, H. Song, H. Zhou, W. Liang, Y.C. Liu*, “Can an isolated iso-octane droplet undergo multi-stage auto-ignition in air? ”, Combustion and Flame 261 (2024) 113293. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.combustflame.2024.113293
4. D. Li, Y. Wen, Y.C. Liu, S. Wang*, “On the transition modes and mechanisms for laminar to turbulent lifted jet diffusion flames at normal- and micro-gravity”, Combustion and Flame 260 (2024) 113269. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.combustflame.2023.113269
5. D. Li, Y.C. Liu, Y. Zhang, S. Wang*, “Stabilization characteristics of transitional and weakly turbulent lifted jet diffusion flames”, Combustion Science and Technology (2023) 2228472. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00102202.2023.2228472
6. T. Chen, S. Yu, Y.C. Liu*, “Flow strain and curvature Markstein numbers of edge flame in the counterflow configuration”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 48 (2023) 10692-10700. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.11.244
7. H. Zhou, Y.C. Liu*, “Internal group combustion of droplet clouds and its transition to external group combustion under two-stage autoignition conditions”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2023) 2461-2470. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2022.07.084
8. W. Zhang, H. Zhou, Y.C. Liu*, “Autoignition regime boundaries for n-heptane droplets under microgravity”, Microgravity Science and Technology 34 (2022) 57. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12217-022-09965-0
9. L. Luo, Y.C. Liu*“Controlling parameters and regimes for preferential vaporization of jet fuel droplet with liquid transport and convection”, Fuel 321 (2022) 123817. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2022.123817
10. H. Zhou, Y.C. Liu*, “External group combustion of droplet clouds under two-stage autoignition conditions”, Combustion and Flame 234 (2021) 111689. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.combustflame.2021.111689
11. D. Li, Y.C. Liu, S. Wang*, “Stabilization mechanism of burner-attached flames in laminar non-remixed jets”, Combustion Science and Technology 193 (2021) 2957-2977. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00102202.2021.1901693
12. L. Luo, H. Zhou, Y. Sun, W. Zhang, T. Chen, S. Chen, Y. Wen, S. Xu, S. Yu, Y.C. Liu*, “Tsinghua University Freefall Facility (TUFF): A 2.2 second Drop Tunnel for Microgravity Research”, Microgravity Science and Technology 33 (2021) 26. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12217-021-09877-5
13. L. Luo, Y.C. Liu*, “An "artificial" activity coefficient modelling approach for emulating combustion and physical property variations during distillation of real complex fuel”, Combustion and Flame 230 (2021) 111446. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.combustflame.2021.111446
14. H. Zhou, W. Zhang, Y.C. Liu*, “A cell model analysis for droplets inside non-dilute n-heptane droplet clouds near autoignition limit”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 175 (2021) 121189. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2021.121189
15. L. Luo, Y.C. Liu*, “Variation of gas phase combustion properties of complex fuels during vaporization: comparison for distillation and droplet scenarios”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2021) 3287-3294. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2020.05.048