Education Background
University of California at San Diego
Ph.D. in Engineering Physics, 1973
University of Toronto
M.A.Sc. in Aerospace Studies, 1970
University of Alberta
B.Sc. in Physics, 1968
Work Experiences
Princeton University, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (1988-)
Robert H. Goddard Professor (1995-)
Professor (1988-1995)
Associate Chair (1996-1998)
University of California at Davis, Department of Mechanical Engineering (1984-1988)
Professor (Step VI, 1987-88; Step V, 1984-87)
Northwestern University, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering (1976-1984)
Professor (1981-84)
Associate Professor (1976-81)
Princeton University, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences (1975-1976)
Member of Professional Research Staff
General Motors Research Laboratories (1973-1975)
Associate Senior Research Engineer
Research Areas and Interests
Combustion and propulsion, heat and mass transfer, energy, alternate fuels, pollution and the environment.
Honors and Awards
· Faculty Research Initiation Grant Award of the Engineering Foundation, 1977 (Inaugural year; two awards given). Faculty Research Continuation Grant Award of the Engineering Foundation, 1979.
· Outstanding Instructor (top 3% university wide), Associated Student Government of Northwestern University, 1979, 1982.
· Ralph R. Teetor Award of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), 1979.
· Plenary Lecturer, and Certificate of Recognition for Research in Thermal Engineering, First ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1983.
· Curtis W. McGraw Research Award, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), "For outstanding early achievement in research," awarded to an engineering educator under 40, 1984.
· Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 1989.
· Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), 1992.
· Propellants and Combustion Award, AIAA. "For outstanding technical contributions to aeronautical or astronautical combustion engineering," 1994.
· Heat Transfer Memorial Award - Science, ASME, "For outstanding contributions to heat and mass transfer in chemically reacting flows," 1997.
· Energy Systems Award, AIAA. "For outstanding contributions to the science and technology of combustion in chemical energy systems," 1999.
· Outstanding Alumnus Award, School of Engineering, University of California - San Diego. "In recognition of career achievements and contributions to higher education," 2000.
· Guest Professor Appointments: Tienjin University (1983); Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science (1997); Tsinghua University (2001). University of Science and Technology of China (2007)
· Member, National Academy of Engineering (NAE), 2002.
· Highly Cited Researcher, in Engineering; recognized by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) as one of the hundred highly cited authors in engineering world-wide, in the inaugural year (2002) of establishing the Highly Cited Researchers database.
· Pendray Aerospace Literature Award, AIAA. "For outstanding and sustained contributions to the aerospace literature, particularly in the areas of combustion and propulsion," 2004.
· Alfred C. Egerton Gold Medal, the Combustion Institute, "For distinguished, continuing and encouraging contributions to the field of combustion," 2006.
· Fellow. American Physical Society (APS), 2006.
· Plenary Lecturer, 31st International Symposium on Combustion, Heidelberg, Germany, 2006.
· Outstanding Alumnus Awards, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2007.
Best Paper Awards and Featured Articles
· Silver Medal, the Combustion Institute, "For an outstanding paper presented at the Twenty-Second Symposium (International) on Combustion," 1990. (Paper entitled: "Experimental and numerical determination of laminar flame speeds of methane/(Ar, N2, CO2)-air mixtures as function of stoichiometry, pressure and flame temperature," by D. L. Zhu, F. N. Egolfopoulos and C. K. Law)
· Best Paper, Joint Technical Meeting of the Central and Eastern States Sections of the Combustion Institute, 1993. (Paper entitled: "Ignition in nonpremixed counterflowing hydrogen versus heated air: I. computational study with detailed and simplified chemistry," by T. G. Kreutz and C. K. Law)
· Best Paper, Microgravity Science and Space Processing Symposium, AIAA, 1998. (Paper entitled: "On burner-supported spherical diffusion flames under micro-buoyancy conditions," by C. J. Sung, D. L. Zhu, S. D. Tse, and C. K. Law)
· Best Paper, selected from papers presented at the propellants and combustion sessions at the 36th and 37th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conferences, and the 39th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, presented at the 38th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, 2002. (Paper entitled: "Laminar burning rates and Markstein lengths of CH4/O2/Inert mixtures at high pressures," by G. Rozenchan, S.D. Tse, D.L. Zhu, and C.K. Law).
· Best Paper, selected from papers presented at the propellants and combustion sessions at the 40th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and the 42nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, presented at the 41st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, 2005. (Paper entitled: "Dynamics of droplet-film collision," by K.L. Pan and C.K. Law, AIAA Paper 2005-0352).
· Feature article, 50th anniversary issue ofCombustion and Flame, 2007. Article entitled: "The effect of flame structure on soot formation and transport in turbulent nonpremixed flames using direct numerical simulation," by D.O. Lignell, J.H. Chen, P.J. Smith, T.F. Lu, and C.K. Law,Combustion and Flame, Vol. 151, pp. 2-8 (2007).
Books and Patents
· "Diazido Alkanes and Diazido Alkanols as Combustion Modifiers for Liquid Hydrocarbon Ramjet Fuels;" Inventors: R. S. Miller, R. M. Moriarty and C. K. Law; U.S. Patent No. 4,741,742; Date of Patent: May 3, 1988.
· Chung K. Law, Combustion Physics, Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Journal Publications
· Over 350 papers published in journals and other rigorously-refereed media. Publication citations separately listed.