Education Background
1988/9 – 1992/9 Ph.D. of Engineering Thermophysics, Zhejiang University
1983/9–1986/7 M.S.E.E of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University
1978/9–1983/7 B.S.E.E of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University
Work Experiences
1999/2–Current, Professor, Department of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University , China,
Yangzi distinguished Professor
Director of the key laboratory of thermal science and power engineering, Ministry of education
Deputy director of the laboratory for low carbon energy, Tsinghua University
Executive director of the Low Carbon Energy University Alliance among Tsinghua-Cambridge-MIT.
2002/8-2011.1, Dean of the Department of thermal engineering, Director of the National Engineering Research Centre of Clean Coal Combustion.
1986/8-1999/1, Assistant Professor, Associate professor, and Professor, Department of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University
Other Professional Positions
2008/8-now, member of the board of directors, The combustion institute, director of the Chinese section of the combustion institute.
2008/4-now, member of the board of editors, proceedings of the symposium of the combustion institute,
2007/12-now, director of the experts group of energy saving and emission control, Ministry of science and technology.
2001/5-now, member of advanced energy technology experts group of 863(high tech program), Ministry of science and technology
Research Areas and Interests
Combustion theory and technology especially pulverized coal combustion;
Clean Coal Technology;
Combustion emission and its control especially the formation and control of Particulate Matters;
Solid fuels and waste to energy; Biomass energy and solar thermal energy
Honors and Awards
Books and Patents
1. KF Cen, Q Yao, XY Cao, X Zhao, ZY Huang, JH Zhou, Theory and application of combustion, flow, heat transfer, gasification of coal–slurry,, Zhejiang University Publishing House,, 1997
2. KF Cen, Q Yao, ZY Luo, XT Li, Advanced Combustion Theory - Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Publishing House, 2002
3. KF Cen, Q Yao, ZY Luo, Theory of combustion and pollution control, Machine Publisher, 2004
Journal Publications
1. Yan, Wen; Li, Shuiqing; Zhang, Yiyang;Yao, Qiang, Effects of Dipole Moment and Temperature on the Interaction Dynamics of Titania Nanoparticles during Agglomeration, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2010, 114 (24), pp 10755–10760
2.Long, Zhengwei;Yao, Qiang, Evaluation of various particle charging models for simulating particle dynamics in electrostatic precipitators, JOURNAL OF AEROSOL SCIENCE, 2010, vol. 41, no7, pp. 702-718
3. Wang Hui; Song Qiang; Yang Rui-ming;Yao Qiang; Chen Chang-he, Study on Microwave Digestion of Gypsum for the Determination of Multielement by ICP-OES and ICP-MS, SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS Chinese, 2010 Sep;30(9):2560-3.
4. Y. Wang, G.J. Nathan, Z.T. Alwahabi, K.D. King, K. Ho andQ. Yao, Effect of a uniform electric field on soot in laminar premixed ethylene/air flames, Combustion and Flame,Volume 157, Issue 7, July 2010, Pages 1308-1315
5. Yao Q, Li SQ, Xu HW, Zhuo JK, Song Q, Studies on formation and control of combustion particulate matter in China: A review, ENERGY Vol: 34 No. 9 :1296-1309 , SEP 2009
6. Long, Zhengwei,Yao, Qiang, Song, Qiang, Li, Shuiqing, Three-dimensional simulation of electric field and space charge in the advanced hybrid particulate collector, JOURNAL OF ELECTROSTATICS vol: 67 No. 6 835-843, NOV 2009
7. Long, ZW;Yao, Q; Song, Q, et al., A second-order accurate finite volume method for the computation of electrical conditions inside a wire-plate electrostatic precipitator on unstructured meshes, JOURNAL OF ELECTROSTATICS Vol. 67 No.4: 597-604, 2009
8. Tang JunShi, Song Qiang, He BaiLei,Yao Qiang, Oxidation behavior of a kind of carbon black, SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES E-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES,Vol: 52,No: 6: 1535-1542 , JUN 2009
9. Zhuo, JK; Li, SQ;Yao, Q, et al., The progressive formation of submicron particulate matter in a quasi one-dimensional pulverized coal combustor , PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE Vol 32 : 2059-2066 , 2009
10. Zhao, XY;Yao, Q; Li, SQ, et al., Studies on the carbon reactions in the anode of deposited carbon fuel cells, JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES Vol. 185 No: 1 : 104-111, 2008