Education Background
2008 Ph.D., Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden
2004 M.Sc., Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), Russia
2002 B.Sc., Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), Russia
Work Experiences
2016-present: Associate professor, Center for Combustion Energy and the Department of Energy and Power Engineering, Tsinghua Unviersity
2014 - 2016: Umeå University, Sweden - principal research engineer
2011 - 2014: Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA - CEFRC postdoctoral research associate
2011 - 2014: Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA, USA - visitor
2008 - 2011: Umeå University, Sweden - postdoc
Other Professional Positions
Professional Societies:
Combustion Institute
Research Areas and Interests
Fundamental CFD and modeling of combustion by utilizing high-performance computing (HPC)
Honors and Awards
Books and Patents
Journal Publications
Z. Qu, R. Ghorbani, D. Valiev, and F. M. Schmidt, Calibration-free scanned wavelength modulation spectroscopy – application to H2O and temperature sensing in flames, Optics Express, Volume 23, Issue 12, pp. 16492 - 16499 (2015)
Valiev D.M., Akkerman V., Kuznetsov M., Eriksson L.-E., Law C.K., Bychkov V., Influence of gas compression on flame acceleration in the early stage of burning in tubes, Combustion and Flame, Volume 160, Issue 1, pp. 97-111 (2013)
Gruber A., Chen J.H., Valiev D., Law C.K., Direct numerical simulation of premixed flame boundary layer flashback in turbulent channel flow, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 709, pp. 516-542 (2012)
Bychkov V., Matyba P., Akkerman V., Modestov M., Valiev D., Brodin G., Law C. K., Marklund M., and Edman L., Speedup of Doping Fronts in Organic Semiconductors through Plasma Instability, Physical Review Letters, 107, 016103 (2011)
Valiev D., Bychkov V., Akkerman V., Law C.K., Eriksson L.-E., Flame acceleration in channels with obstacles in the deflagration-to-detonation transition, Combustion And Flame, Volume 157, Issue 5, pp. 1012-1021 (2010)
Valiev D.M., Bychkov V., Akkerman V., Eriksson L.-E., Different stages of flame acceleration from slow burning to Chapman-Jouguet deflagration, Physical Review E, Volume 80, Issue 3, 036317 (2009)
Bychkov V., Valiev D., Eriksson L.-E., Physical Mechanism of Ultra-Fast Flame Acceleration, Physical Review Letters, 101, 164501 (2008)