Education Background
2001-2006 Ph.D., National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (NSRL), University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)
1996-2001 B.S., University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)
Work Experiences
2019- Tenured Professor, Center for Combustion Energy / Department of Energy and Power Engineering, Tsinghua University
2012-2019 Professor, Center for Combustion Energy / Department of Energy and Power Engineering, Tsinghua University
2012-2012 Research Associate, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Southern California
2010-2012 Combustion Energy Research Fellow, Combustion Energy Frontier Research Center, Princeton University
2008-2012 Guest Researcher, Sandia National Laboratories
2006-2012 Guest Researcher, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
2006-2010 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Applied and Engineering Physics, Cornell University
Other Professional Positions
Guest Editor of “Combustion and Flame” (2021-2022)
Associate Editor of "Combustion Science and Technology" (2016-)
Editorial board member of “Fuel” (2019-)
Editorial board member of “Journal of Thermal Science” (2018-)
Editorial board member of "Journal of Combustion Science and Technology" (Chinese, 2019-)
Editorial board member of "Coal Conversion" (Chinese, 2020-)
Colloquia Co-Chairs (CCC) of Gas-Phase Reaction Kinetics for the 36th (2016) International Symposium on Combustion
Colloquia Co-Chairs (CCC) of Gas-Phase Reaction Kinetics for the 37th (2018) International Symposium on Combustion
Colloquia Coordinate (CC) of Gas-Phase Reaction Kinetics for the 38th (2020) International Symposium on Combustion;
Colloquia Co-Chairs (CCC) of Low-Emission Combustion Technologies for the 39th (2022) International Symposium on Combustion
Member of the Board of Director Nominations Committee of the Combustion Institute (2013-2014);
Member of ICISS of the Combustion Institute (January, June, 2015);
Member of the Hiroshi Tsuji Early Career Researcher Award Committee (2017-2018);
Member of the Board of Directors Officers Nomination Committee (2019);
Member of the Combustion Institute; Member of American Chemistry Society; Member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Member of American Society for Mass Spectrometry;
Secretary General of the 10th Asian-Pacific Combustion Conference (2015);
Technical Committee member of 10th, 12th and 13th Asian-Pacific Combustion Conference (2015, 2019, 2021)
Scientific advisory committee member of the 11th International Conference on Chemical Kinetics (ICCK, 2019);
Scientific committee member of the International Workshop on Gas-phase Kinetics in Interstellar, Atmospheric and Combustion Chemistry (GKIAC, 2019);
User expert committee member of the Hefei Light Source (2015-)
Award committee member of the Chinese Combustion Society (2015-)
Host Chair, Clean Combustion Energy Research Day, Beijing, China (2018)
Discussion Chair, International Bunsen Discussion Meeting "Chemistry and Diagnostics for Clean Combustion", June 21-23, 2017, Bielefeld, Germany
Technical committee member of the Combustion Branch of Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics (2021-)
Program Committee Member of the Chinese Combustion Meeting (2014-2017);
Program co-chair of the 4th and 5th National Young Scholar Meeting on Combustion Research (2018, 2019)
Research Areas and Interests
Research Interests:
1) Intelligent combustion kinetic model development: machine learning and uncertainty quantification, model analysis-based experimental design, model analysis and optimization platform (OptEx)
2) Combustion kinetics mechanisms and fuel design: foundation fuels, Carbon-neutral fuels, biofuels, E-fuels, jet fuels
3) Combustion reaction pathway control: catalytic combustion, plasma assistant combustion, ozone assistant combustion
4) Combustion diagnostics and fundamental combustion experiments: mass spectrometry-based and synchrotron-based diagnostics, RCM, premixed flame, laminar flow reactor, jet-stirred reactor
5) Kinetics for extreme combustion: low T, high p up to supercritical, microgravity
6) Catalytic conversion of carbon dioxide.
Recent research progress:
1) Uncertainty quantification (UQ) and reverse UQ for combustion kinetic model: proposed the ANN-based global sensitivity analysis method (ANN-GSA) and model optimization method (ANN-MCMC); proposed sensitivity entropy (HS) and surrogate model similarity (sensitivity similarity) methods for experimental design; proposed the model analysis-based experimental design and model optimization platform (OptEx); proposed a method for model reduction (STGSA) and model evaluation (GSSA).
2) Combustion kinetic study of foundation fuels (C0-C4) and biofuels: development and validation of kinetic models for hydrocarbon and oxygenated fuels; the effects of oxygen-containing functionalities (alcohol, aldehyde, carbonic acid ester, ether) in pure fuels or fuel mixtures on combustion properties and emissions; combustion kinetic model for C0-C4 core mechanism.
3) Mass spectrometry-based and synchrotron-based combustion diagnostics: Molecular-beam mass spectrometry based diagnostic of plasma or ozone assisted combustion; Laminar flame/Jet-stirred reactor/Flow reactor study of combustion chemistry with molecular beam mass-spectrometry employing synchrotron photon beam or electron beam or laser as ionization source; RCM measurement with fast-sampling GC/MS and fast EI-MBMS.
Honors and Awards
Fellow of the Combustion Institute,2021
Invited Topical Review of the 38th International Symposium on Combustion, 2021
Research Excellence Award of the Combustion Institute, 2020
National Award for Natural Sciences of China (second class), 2018
Outstanding PHD supervisor of Tsinghua University, 2018
Anhui Science and Technology Award (first class), 2014
Research Fellow of US DOE’s Combustion Energy Frontier Research Center, 2010
Prize for one of the "100 Most Influential International Academic Papers in China", 2008
Graduate with honor in USTC, 2001
Books and Patents
Book Chapter: N. Hansen, B. Yang, T. Kasper,“Synchrotron-Based VUV Photoionization Mass Spectrometry in Combustion Chemistry Research", Synchrotron Radiation Applications, Edited by Dr. Xinyi Zhang, World Scientific/Imperial College Press., (2017).
Software copyright: Experimental design and model optimization platform for combustion kinetics (OptEx), 2021
Journal Publications
Peer-reviewed SCI papers (107 in total including 65 published in CNF and PCI, with >3000 citations based on Web of Science; h-index 31; ORCID: 0000-0001-7333-0017; ResearcherID: A-7158-2008; ):
1. B. Yang*, "Towards predictive combustion kinetic models: Progress in model analysis and informative experiments", Proc. Combust. Inst., 38, 199-222 (2021).
2. B. Yang, W. Sun, K. Moshammer, N. Hansen*, "Review of the influence of oxygenated additives on the combustion chemistry of hydrocarbons", Energy Fuels 35, 13550-13568 (2021).
3. B. Yang*, Z. Liu, K. Lin, W. Liao, Q. Wang, "Towards carbon neutrality and advanced engines: Progress in combustion kinetics research methods”, J. Tsinghua Univ., (2021).
4. B. Yang, Y. Zhang, Y. Li, Z. Chen, Z. Huang*, F. Qi*, "Research progress and prospect of combustion reaction kinetics for carbon neutrality", J. Eng. Thermophysics (2021).
5. W. Liao, S. Kang, Z Chu, Z. Liu, Y. Wang, B. Yang*,“Exploring the low-temperature oxidation chemistry with ozone addition in an RCM: A case study on ethanol”, Combust. Flame, (2021).
6. S. Kang, W. Liao, Z. Chu, B. Yang*, “A rapid compression machine coupled with time-resolved molecular beam mass spectrometry for gas-phase kinetics studies”, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 92, 084103 (2021).
7. X. Fan, Z. Liu, J. Yang, B. Yang*, “Pyrolysis of Lignocellulosic Biofuel Di-n-butyl Ether (DBE): Flow Reactor Experiments and Kinetic Modeling”, Energy Fuels, 35, 14077−14086 (2021).
8. Z. Liu, W. Sun, Q. Hou, Y. Gao, X. Fan, S. Kang, H. Liao, W. Chen, F. Zhang, J. Yang, B. Yang*,“Experimental and kinetic modeling investigation on 2,5-hexanedione oxidation in a jet-stirred reactor”, Combust. Flame, 234, 111648 (2021).
9. S. Kang, W. Dong, W. Liang*, B Yang*, “An experimental investigation on two-stage low-temperature heat release in iso-octane auto-ignition”, Combust. Flame, 234, 111636 (2021).
10. X. Fan, W. Sun, Y. Gao, N. Hansen, B. Chen, H. Pitsch, B. Yang*, “Chemical insights into the multi-regime low-temperature oxidation of di-n-propyl ether: Jet-stirred reactor experiments and kinetic modeling”, Combust. Flame, 233, 111592 (2021).
11. K. Lin, Z. Zhou, C. K. Law, B. Yang*, “Dimensionality reduction for surrogate model construction for global sensitivity analysis: Comparison between active subspace and local sensitivity analysis”, Combust. Flame, 232, 111501 (2021).
12. W. Sun, Z. Liu, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhai, C. Cao, J. Yang, B. Yang*, "Comparing the pyrolysis kinetics of dimethoxymethane and 1,2-dimethoxyethane: An experimental and kinetic modeling study", Combust. Flame, 226, 260-273 (2021).
13. R. Zhang, H. Liao, J. Yang, B. Yang*, "Exploring chemical kinetics of plasma assisted oxidation of dimethyl ether (DME)", Combust. Flame, 225, 388-394 (2021).
14. S. Lin, M. Xie, J. Wang, W. Liang, C.K. Law, W. Zhou*, B. Yang*, "Chemical kinetic model reduction through species-targeted global sensitivity analysis (STGSA)", Combust. Flame, 224, (2021).
15. S. Kang, C. Huang, Y. Wang, P. Zhang, W. Sun, C.K. Law, B. Yang*, "Isomer-specifc influences on ignition and intermediates of two C5 ketones in an RCM", Proc. Combust. Inst., 38, 2295–2303 (2021).
16. X. Fan, W. Sun, Z. Liu, J. Yang, B. Yang*, C.K. Law, "Exploring the oxidation chemistry of diisopropyl ether: jet-stirred reactor experiments and kinetic modeling", Proc. Combust. Inst., 38, 321–328, (2021).
17. C. Huang, P. Zhang, J. Wang, S. Kang, F. Zhang*, C.K. Law, B. Yang*, "Determination of rate constants for therneutral H-abstraction reactions: allylic hydrogen abstraction from 1,5-hexadiene by ally radical", Proc. Combust. Inst., 38, 861–869(2021).
18. C. Huang, S. Li, T. Tao, F. Zhang, N. Hansen, C.K. Law, B. Yang*, "From inherent correlation to constrained measurement: model-assisted calibartion in MBMS experiments", Proc. Combust. Inst., 38, 1071–1079 (2021).
19. S. Lin, W. Zhou*, Y. Wu, C.K. Law, M. Xie, B. Yang*, "Evaluation of reducted combustion kinetic mechanism using global sensitivity-based similarity analysis (GSSA)", Proc. Combust. Inst., 38, 1081–1088 (2021).
20. H. Liao, T. Tao, W. Sun, N. Hansen, B. Yang*, "Isomer-specific speciation behaviors probled from premixed flames fueld by acetone and propanal", Proc. Combust. Inst., 38, 2441–2448 (2021).
21. M. Braun-Unkhoff,* N. Hansen*, M. Dietrich, T. Methling,K. Moshammer, B. Yang, "Entanglement of n-heptane and iso-butanol chemistries in flames fueled by their mixtures", Proc. Combust. Inst., 38, 2387–2395 (2021).
22. M. Yang, S. Lin, H. Liao, S. Kang, B. Yang*, " A new jet fuel surrogate formulated by emulating the distribution of pyrolysis products obtained from shock tube experiments", Fuel, 283, 118874 (2021).
23. H. Liao, H. Chen, Z. Liu, R. Zhang, F. Zhang, B. Yang*, " MBMS study on plasma-assisted low-temperature oxidation of n-heptane and iso-octane in a flow reactor", Int. J. Chem. Kinet., 53, 428–439 (2021).
24. C. Huang, S. Li, J. Wang, B. Yang*, F. Zhang*, "Global uncertainty analysis for the RRKM/master equation modeling of a typical multi-well and multi-channel reaction system", Combust. Flame, 216, 62-71 (2020).
25. H. Liao, S. Kang, N. Hansen, F. Zhang, B. Yang*, “Influence of ozone addition on the low-temperature oxidation of dimethyl ether in a jet-stirred reactor”, Combust. Flame, 214, 277-286 (2020).
26. J. Wang, Z. Zhou, K. Lin, C.K. Law, B. Yang*, "Facilitating Bayesian analysis of combustion kinetic models with artificial neural network", Combust. Flame, 213, 87-97 (2020).
27. W. Sun, J. Wang, C. Huang, N. Hansen, B. Yang*, "Providing effective constraints for developing ketene combustion mechanisms: A detailed kinetic investigation of diacetyl flames", Combust. Flame, 205, 11-21 (2019).
28. C. Huang, B. Yang, F. Zhang*, “Calculation of the absolute photoionization cross-sections for C1–C4 Criegee intermediates and vinyl hydroperoxides”, J. Chem. Phys., 150, 164305 (2019).
29. R. Zhang, H. Liao, J. Yang, X. Fan, B. Yang*, “A molecular beam mass spectrometric investigation of plasma assisted oxidation and pyrolysis of methane”, Proc. Combust. Inst., 37, 5577-5586 (2019).
30. W. Sun, T. Tao, H. Liao, N. Hansen, B. Yang*, “Probing fuel-specific reaction intermediates from laminar premixed flames fueled by two C5 ketones and model interpretations”, Proc. Combust. Inst., 37, 1699-1707 (2019).
31. H. Liao, T. Tao, W. Sun, N. Hansen, C.K. Law, B. Yang*, “Investigation of the low-temperature oxidation of n-butanal in a jet-stirred reactor”, Proc. Combust. Inst., 37, 453-460 (2019).
32. W. Sun, M. Lailiau, Z. Serinyel, G. Dayma, K. Moshammer, N. Hansen, B. Yang*, P. Dagaut*, “Insights into the oxidation kinetics of a cetane improver – 1,2-dimethoxyethane (1,2-DME) with experimental and modeling methods”, Proc. Combust. Inst., 37, 555-564 (2019).
33. J. Wang, W. Sun, G. Wang, X. Fan, Y.-Y Li, , C.K. Law, F. Qi, B. Yang*, “Understanding benzene formation pathways in pyrolysis of two C6H10 isomers: Cyclohexene and 1,5-hexadiene”, Proc. Combust. Inst., 37, 1091-1098 (2019).
34. C. Huang, B. Yang*, F. Zhang*, G. Tian, “Quantification of the resonance stabilized C4H5 isomers and their reaction with acetylene”, Combust. Flame, 198, 334-341 (2018).
35. L. Zhao, W. Sun, J. Yang*, B. Yang*, “Revealing the doping effects of C2H6O isomers on a benzene flame: An experimental and modeling study”, Combust. Flame, 197, 355-368 (2018).
36. T. Tao, S. Kang, W. Su, J. Wang, H. Liao, K. Moshammer, N. Hansen, C.K. Law, B. Yang*, “A further experimental and modeling study of acetaldehyde combustion kinetics”, Combust. Flame, 196, 337-350 (2018).
37. W. Sun, T. Tao, M. Lailliau, N. Hansen, B. Yang*, P. Dagaut*, “Exploration of the oxidation chemistry of dimethoxymethane: Jet-stirred reactor experiments and kinetic modeling”, Combust. Flame, 193, 491-501 (2018).
38. T. Tao, W. Sun, N. Hansen, A.W. Jasper, K. Moshammer, B. Chen, Z. Wang, C. Huang, P. Dagaut, B. Yang*, “Exploring the negative temperature coefficient behavior of acetaldehyde based on detailed intermediate measurements in a jet-stirred reactor”, Combust. Flame, 192, 120-129 (2018).
39. W. Sun, T. Tao, R. Zhang, W. Li, J. Yang, B. Yang*, “Elucidating the flame chemistry of monoglyme via experimental and modeling approaches”, Combust. Flame, 191, 298-308 (2018).
40. W. Ji, J. Wang, O. Zahm, Y.M. Marzouk, B. Yang, Z. Ren*, C.K. Law, “Shared low-dimensional subspaces for propagating kinetic uncertainty to multiple outputs”, Combust. Flame, 190, 146-157 (2018).
41. P. Zhang, N.W. Yee, S.V. Filip, C.E. Hetrick, B. Yang, W.H. Green*, “Modeling study of the anti-knock tendency of substituted phenols as additives: an application of the reaction mechanism generator (RMG) ”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 20, 10637-10649 (2018).
42. J. Wang, S. Li, B. Yang*,“Combustion kinetic model development using surrogate model similarity method ”, Combust. Theory Modell., 22, 777-794 (2018).
43. P. Zhang, S. Li, Y. Wang, W. Ji, W. Sun, B. Yang*, X. He, Z. Wang, C.K. Law, F. Zhang*, "Measurement of reaction rate constants using RCM: A case study of decomposition of dimethyl carbonate to dimethyl ether", Combust. Flame, 183, 30-38 (2017).
44. W. Sun, T. Tao, R. Zhang, H. Liao, C. Huang, F. Zhang, X. Zhang, Y. Zhang, B. Yang*, "Experimental and modeling efforts towards a better understanding of the high-temperature combustion kinetics of C3-C5 ethyl esters", Combust. Flame, 185, 173-187 (2017).
45. C. Huang, B. Yang*, F. Zhang*, "Initiation mechanism of 1,3-butadiene combustion and its effect on soot precursors", Combust. Flame, 184, 167-175 (2017).
46. W. Sun, C. Huang, T. Tao, F. Zhang, W. Li, N. Hansen, B. Yang*, "Exploring the high-temperature kinetics of diethyl carbonate (DEC) under pyrolysis and flame conditions", Combust. Flame, 181, 71-81 (2017).
47. C. Huang, B. Yang*, F. Zhang*, "Pressure-dependent kinetics on the C4H7 potential energy surface and its effect on combustion kinetic model predictions", Combust. Flame, 181,100-109 (2017).
48. N. Hansen, B. Yang, T. Kasper,“Synchrotron-Based VUV Photoionization Mass Spectrometry in Combustion Chemistry Research", Synchrotron Radiation Applications, World Scientific/Imperial College Press., (2017).
49. J. Wang, S. Li, B. Yang*, "The constraint effect of low pressure experimental data on high pressure combustion model predictions", J. Eng. Thermophys., 38 (2017).
50. S. Li, T. Tao, J. Wang, B. Yang*, C.K. Law, F. Qi, "Using sensitivity entropy in experimental design for uncertainty minimization of combustion kinetic models", Proc. Combust. Inst., 36, 709-716 (2017).
51. W. Sun, B. Yang*, N. Hansen, K. Moshammer, "The influence of dimethoxy methane (DMM)/dimethyl carbonate (DMC) addition on a premixed ethane/oxygen/argon flame", Proc. Combust. Inst., 36, 449-457 (2017).
52. R. Zhang, W. Sun, T. Tao, B. Yang*, "Species diagnostics and modeling study of laminar premixed flames fueled by Aceton-Butanol-Ethanol (ABE)", Proc. Combust. Inst., 36, 1303-1310 (2017).
53. W. Sun, G. Wang, S. Li, R. Zhang, B. Yang*, J. Yang, Y. Li, C.K. Westbrook, C.K. Law, "Speciation and the laminar burning velocities of poly(oymethylene) dimethyl ether 3 (POMDME3) flames: An experimental and modeling study", Proc. Combst. Inst., 36, 1269-1278 (2017).
54. T. Tao, W. Sun, B. Yang*, N. Hansen, K. Moshammer, C.K. Law, "Investigation of chemical structures of laminar premixed flames fueled by acetaldehyde", Proc. Combst. Inst., 36, 1287-1294 (2017).
55. M. Braun-Unkhoff*, N. Hansen*, T. Methling, K. Moshammer, B. Yang, "The influence of iso-butanol addition to the chemistry of premixed 1,3-butadiene flames", Proc. combst. Inst., 36, 1311-1319 (2017).
56. T. He, S. Li, Y. Chi, H. Zhang, Z. Wang*, B. Yang, X. He, X. You*, " An adaptive distance-based group contribution method for thermodynamic property prediction", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 18, 23822-23830 (2016).
57. P. Zhang, W. Ji, T. He, X. He*, Z. Wang, B. Yang, C.K. Law, "First-stage ignition delay in the negative temperature coefficient behavior: Experiment and simulation", Combust. Flame, 167, 14-23 (2016).
58. S. Li, B. Yang*, F. Qi, "Accelerate global sensitivity analysis using Artificial Neural Network algorithm: Case studies for combustion kinetic model", Combust. Flame, 168, 53-64 (2016).
59. W. Sun, B. Yang*, N. Hansen, C.K. Westbrook, F. Zhang, G. Wang, K. Moshammer, C.K. Law, "An experimental and kinetic modeling study on dimethyl carbonate (DMC) pyrolysis and combustion", Combust. Flame, 164, 224-238 (2016).
60. L. Xing, S. Li, Z. Wang, B. Yang, S.J. Klippenstein, F. Zhang*, "Global uncertainty analysis for RRKM/master equation based kinetic predictions: A case study of ethanol decomposition", Combust. Flame, 162, 3427-3436 (2015).
61. O.P. Korobeinichev, I.E. Gerasimov, D.A. Knyazkov, A.G. Shmakov, T.A. Bolshova, N. Hansen, C.K. Westbrook*, G. Dayma, B. Yang, “An experimental and kinetic modeling study of premixed laminar flames of methyl pentanoate and methyl hexanoate”, Z. Phys. Chem., 229, 759-780 (2015).
62. N. Hansen*, M. Braun-Unkhoff, T. Kathrotia, A. Lucassen, B. Yang, “Understanding the reaction pathways in premixed flames fueled by blends of 1,3-butadiene and n-butanol”, Proc. Combust. Inst. 35, 771-778 (2015).
63. Y. Xin, B. Yang, H. Wang, S.L. Anderson, C.K. Law*, “Kinetics of catalytic oxidation of ethylene over palladium oxide”, Proc. Combust. Inst. 35, 2233-2240 (2015).
64. X. Zhang, B. Yang*, W. Yuan, Z. Cheng, L. Zhang, Y. Li, F. Qi, “Pyrolysis of 2-methyl-1-butanol at low and atmospheric pressure: Mass spectrometry and modeling studies", Proc. Combust. Inst. 35, 409-417 (2015).
65. B. Yang, C.K. Westbrook*, T.A. Cool, N. Hansen, K. Kohse-Höinghaus, “Photoionization mass spectrometry and modeling study of premixed flames of three unsaturated C5H8O2 esters”, Proc. Combust. Inst. 34, 443-451 (2013).
66. S. Skeen, B. Yang, H.A. Michelsen, J.A. Miller, A. Violi, N. Hansen*, “Studies of opposed-flow diffusion flames of acetylene at low pressures with photoionization mass spectrometry”, Proc. Combust. Inst. 34, 1067-1075 (2013).
67. B. Yang, J. Wang, T.A. Cool*, N. Hansen, S. Skeen, D.L. Osborn, “Absolute photoionization cross-sections for some combustion intermediates”, Int. J. Mass Spectrom., 309, 118-128 (2012).
68. S. Skeen*, B. Yang, A.W. Jasper, W.J. Pitz, N. Hansen*, “The chemical structure of low-pressure premixed methylcyclohexane flames as benchmarks for the development of a predictive combustion chemistry model”, Energy and Fuel, 25, 5611-5625 (2011).
69. B. Yang, C. Westbrook*, T.A. Cool, N. Hansen, K. Kohse-Höinghaus, “The effect of carbon-carbon double bonds on the combustion chemistry of small fatty acid esters”, Z. Phys. Chem.,225, 1293–1314 (2011).
70. P. Oßwald, H. Güldenberg, K. Kohse-Höinghaus*, B. Yang, T. Yuan, F. Qi*, “Combustion of butanol isomers – a detailed molecular beam mass spectrometry investigation of their flame chemistry”, Combust. Flame, 158, 2-11 (2011).
71. S. Dooley*, F.L. Dryer, B. Yang, J. Wang, T.A. Cool, T. Kasper, N. Hansen, “An experimental and kinetic modeling study of methyl formate low-pressure flames”, Combust. Flame, 158, 732-341 (2011).
72. B. Yang, C. Westbrook*, T.A. Cool*, N. Hansen, K. Kohse-Höinghaus, “Fuel-specific influences on the composition of reaction intermediates in premixed flames of three C5H10O2ester isomers”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 13, 6901-6913 (2011).
73. J. Wang, Y. Li, T. Zhang, Z. Tian, B. Yang, K. Zhang, F. Qi*, A. Zhu, Z. Cui, C.Y. Ng*, “Interstellar enols are formed in plasma discharge of alcohols”, Astrophysical Journal, 676,416-419 (2008).
74. B. Yang, P. Osswald, Y. Li, J. Wang, L. Wei, Z. Tian, F. Qi*, K. Kohse-Höinghaus*, “Identification of combustion intermediates in isomeric fuel-rich premixed butanol-oxygen flames at low pressure”, Combust. Flame, 148,198-209 (2007).
75. B. Yang, Y. Li, L. Wei, C. Huang, J. Wang, Z. Tian, R. Yang, L. Sheng, Y. Zhang, F. Qi*, “An experimental study of the premixed benzene/oxygen/argon flame with tunable synchrotron photoionization”, Proc. Combust. Inst. 31, 555-563 (2007).