Education Background
2014-2018 Ph.D., Princeton University
2012-2014 M. A., Princeton University
2008-2012 B. Sc., Peking University
Work Experiences
2022-now Assistant Professor, Center for Combustion Energy, Tsinghua University
2018-2022 Postdoctoral Researcher, Princeton University
Other Professional Positions
Research Areas and Interests
My research focuses on combustion and energy conversion, including combustion theory, chemical kinetics, flame dynamics and so on.
Honors and Awards
2020 Bernard Lewis Fellowship
2018 CSC Award for Outstanding Overseas Students
Books and Patents
Journal Publications
Recent Publications:
1. Haiyue Li, Wenkai Liang*, Chung K. Law. Role of ozone addition on premixed hydrogen/oxygen flames: Multi-zone structure and multi-regime dynamics. Combustion and Flame, 242 (2022), 112188.
2. Ruiguang Yu, Jie Liu*, Wenkai Liang, Bin Ma, Hewu Wang. On the controlling mechanism of the lower turning point in the negative temperature coefficient regime. Fuel 315 (2022), 123184
3. Cheng Zhou, Wenkai Liang*, Zheng Chen. On explosion limits of ammonia-oxygen mixtures with hydrogen addition: sensitivity and nonmonotonicity. Energy & Fuels, 35, 17 (2021), 14035-14041.
4. Shiqing Kang, Wendi Dong, Wenkai Liang*, Bin Yang*. An experimental investigation on two-stage low-temperature heat release in iso-octane auto-ignition. Combustion and Flame, 234 (2021), 111636.
5. Wenkai Liang, Chung K. Law*. Theory of supercritical flames with real-fluid equations of state. Combustion Theory and Modelling, 25:6 (2021), 1002-1018.
6. Wenhu Han*, Jin Huang, Wenkai Liang, Cheng Wang, Rémy Mével, Chung K Law. Unsteady propagation of detonation with multi-stage heat release. Fuel, 296 (2021), 120666.
7. Wenhu Han*, Wenkai Liang, Cheng Wang, Jennifer Wen, Chung K. Law. Spontaneous initiation and development of hydrogen-oxygen detonation with ozone sensitization. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38 (2021), 3575-3583.
8. Wendi Dong, Wenkai Liang*, Chung K. Law. Kinetic study of two-stage low-temperature heat release in iso-octane auto-ignition. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 125 (2021), 6, 1374-1383. [Featured on the Journal Front Cover]
9. Tao Shu, Yuan Xue, Wenkai Liang*, Zhuyin Ren. Extrapolations of laminar flame speeds from expanding spherical flames based on the finite-structure stretched flames. Combustion and Flame, 226 (2021), 445-454.
10. Shengqiang Lin, Ming Xie, Jiaxing Wang, Wenkai Liang, Chung K. Law, Weixing Zhou*, Bin Yang*. Chemical kinetic model reduction through species-targeted global sensitivity analysis. Combustion and Flame, 224 (2021), 73-82.