


Yu Cheng LIU

Associate Professor

Address:Tsinghua University, Center for Combustion Energy, Beijing 100084, China
Office:Lee Shau Kee Science and Technology Building B-527
Tel:+86 (010)627-86707

Education Background

2013    Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Cornell University, USA

Work Experiences

2019-now     Associate Professor, Center for Combustion Energy, Tsinghua University 

2019-now     Principle Investigator/Deputy Design Engineer, Combustion Science Experimental Application System, Mengtian Module, China Space Station 

2016-2019     Assistant Professor, Center for Combustion Energy, Tsinghua University 

Other Professional Positions

Professional Societies:

The Combustion Institute, AIAA (Senior Member), ASME

Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Society of Space Research

Editorial Board:

Young Editorial Board Member, Journal of Thermal Science (2023~2026)

Invited Topical Editor for "Microgravity Combustion", Journal of Tsingua University (Science and Technology) (2023~2023) 

Journal Review Services:

Combustion and Flame, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Microgravity Science and Technology, 

Combustion Science and Technology, Combustion Theory and Modelling, Atomization and Sprays, 

International Journal of Multiphase Flow, NPJ Microgravity, Energy Conversion and Management, 

Journal of Thermal Science, Chinese Journal of Space Science, etc.

Committee Services:

2024-now    China Manned Space Engineering Space Application System Microgravity Combustion Science Committee

2023-2025    Program Committee, National Young Scholar Meeting on Combustion Research

2022    Organizing Committee, 13th Asian Microgravity Symposium, Co-chair of Combustion and Chemical Physics

2022-now    Program Committee (Science Promotion), China National Symposium on Combustion

2021-now    Professional Committee of Microgravity Science and Applications, Chinese Society of Space Research

2019    Executive Chair, 5th National Young Scholar Meeting on Combustion Research

2018-2020    Program Committee, China National Symposium on Combustion

2017-now    Member, National Council of Standardization for Space Science and Application, Microgravity Combustion

Research Areas and Interests

· Microgravity combustion experiments: space-based and ground-based

· Single droplet and droplet group combustion

· Structure and instability of near-limit flames and plasma

· Quasi-continuous models for chemical kinetic, vaporization, and transport

Honors and Awards

Plenary Lecture

Y.C. Liu, Plenary Lecture, "Development and Outlook of Ground-based and Space-based Microgravity Combustion Research in China", 13th Asian Microgravity Symposium, Jeju, Korea (virtual), Oct. 24-28, 2022.

Invited Keynote or Topical Review

1. Y.C. Liu, Invited Topical Review, “Planning and Experiments onboard the Chinese Space Station”, 2022 China National Symposium on Combustion, Shanghai, China, Dec. 9-11, 2022. 

2. Y.C. Liu, H. Zhou, Invited Keynote, “Droplet group combustion in microgravity”, 13th Asian Microgravity Symposium, Jeju, Korea (virtual), Oct. 24-28, 2022. 

3. Y.C. Liu, Q. Yao, Invited Keynote, “Program and development of ground-based and space-based combustion research in China”, Conference of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application, virtual, Oct. 15, 2021 

4. Y.C. Liu, T. Chen, Y. Su, L. Luo, W. Zhang, L. Chen, Q. Wu, S. Yu, Invited Keynote “Microgravity Gaseous Flame Research and Space Station Experiments for Gaseous Combustion Science”, 1st Chinese National Space Science Meeting/11th Chinese National Conference on Microgravity Science, Xiamen, China, Oct. 27-31, 2019. 


1. First Prize of Excellent Project Adviser, 2023 Tsinghua University Undergraduate Scientific Research Training (SRT), Dec. 2023

2. Excellent Project Adviser, The 41st Tsinghua University “Challenge Cup”: Undergraduate Science and Technology Competition, Apr. 08, 2023

3. First Prize, 2022 Tsinghua University Excellent Undergraduate Class Mentor (ACE 9/DEPE94 class)

Books and Patents

Participated National Standards

Integration and verification requirements of science experiment system for space station, GB/T 44198-2024

Journal Publications


1. Y.C. Liu*,X. Li,Y. Wen,H. Zheng,X. Yang,X. Zhang,Y. He,J. Cao,C. Du,Q. Yao,“Gas jet flame science experiments aboard Chinese Space Station”,Journal of Tsinghua University (Sci. & Technol.) (2024). DOI: https:/

2. H. Song,H. Zhou,W. Zhang,Z. Ding,Y. Sun,Y.C. Liu*,“Review and prospect of microgravity single droplet combustion research”Journal of Tsinghua University (Sci. & Technol.)  (2024). DOI:

3. H. Zhou, X. Li, Y.C. Liu*, "A laminar spray group combustion experiment (LSGCE) with in situ image diagnostic methods and image analysis algorithms", Review of Scientific Instruments 95 (2024) 085107. DOI:

4. Y. Wen, L. Li, X. Li, L. Luo, T. Chen, W. Zhang, H. Zhou, S. Chen, Y. Sun, J. Shi, X. Huang, R. Mevel, S. Wang, H. Zheng, X. Yang, X. Zhang, Y. He, C. Du. J. Cao, Y.C. Liu*, "Extinction of microgravity partially premixed flame aboard the Chinese Space Station", Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 40 (2024) 105574. DOI:

5. W. Zhang, H. Song, H. Zhou, W. Liang, Y.C. Liu*, “Can an isolated iso-octane droplet undergo multi-stage auto-ignition in air? ”, Combustion and Flame 261 (2024) 113293. DOI:

6. D. Li, Y. Wen, Y.C. Liu,  S. Wang*, “On the transition modes and mechanisms for laminar to turbulent lifted jet diffusion flames at normal- and micro-gravity”, Combustion and Flame 260 (2024) 113269. DOI:

7. H. Zhou, Y.C. Liu*, “Internal group combustion of droplet clouds and its transition to external group combustion under two-stage autoignition conditions”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2023) 2461-2470. DOI:

8. W. Zhang, H. Zhou, Y.C. Liu*, “Autoignition regime boundaries for n-heptane droplets under microgravity”, Microgravity Science and Technology 34 (2022) 57. DOI:

9. L. Luo, Y.C. Liu*“Controlling parameters and regimes for preferential vaporization of jet fuel droplet with liquid transport and convection”, Fuel 321 (2022) 123817. DOI:

10. H. Zhou, Y.C. Liu*, “External group combustion of droplet clouds under two-stage autoignition conditions”, Combustion and Flame 234 (2021) 111689. DOI:

11. D. Li, Y.C. Liu, S. Wang*, “Stabilization mechanism of burner-attached flames in laminar non-remixed jets”, Combustion Science and Technology 193 (2021) 2957-2977. DOI:

12. L. Luo, H. Zhou, Y. Sun, W. Zhang, T. Chen, S. Chen, Y. Wen, S. Xu, S. Yu, Y.C. Liu*, “Tsinghua University Freefall Facility (TUFF): A 2.2 second Drop Tunnel for Microgravity Research”, Microgravity Science and Technology 33 (2021) 26. DOI:

13. L. Luo, Y.C. Liu*, “An "artificial" activity coefficient modelling approach for emulating combustion and physical property variations during distillation of real complex fuel”, Combustion and Flame 230 (2021) 111446. DOI:

14. H. Zhou, W. Zhang, Y.C. Liu*, “A cell model analysis for droplets inside non-dilute n-heptane droplet clouds near autoignition limit”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 175 (2021) 121189. DOI:

15. L. Luo, Y.C. Liu*, “Variation of gas phase combustion properties of complex fuels during vaporization: comparison for distillation and droplet scenarios”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2021) 3287-3294. DOI:

Address: Room 511, Lee Shau Kee Science and Technology Building, Tsinghua University, Haidian Dist., Beijing, China 100084
Tel:(+86) 010-627-98267

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