The summer school was successfully held during July 11-17, 2021. The lectures this year were offered by Professors Sébastien Candel, Mark Linne, Alison Tomlin, and Heinz Pitsch. Topics covered the fundamental knowledge on combustion physics and chemistry as well as laser diagnostics and unsteady combustion behaviors. The event was attended by 304 delegates from 18 countries. These delegates are undergraduate and graduate students, postdocs, university professors and industrial engineers. The 5-day lectures were offered virtually. With the assistance of student volunteers at Tsinghua University, hardcopies of lecture notes, T-shirts, and other related supplies were shipped to all attendees with electronic copies of lecture materials also provided. Due to the time differences between the lecturers (all in Europe) and the students in larger Pacific areas, enrichment activities like poster presentation, career panel, and those that have to be held off-line including academic salon, campus tour and lab tour were eventually not included in this year’s program.
Overall, the lectures this year were all very well received by the participants and the interactions between lecturers and students were well participated. With continuous support from the Combustion Institute and all the participants, the Tsinghua-Princeton-CI Summer School will endeavor to continually serve the larger community and promote international education for the broader interests of advancing combustion science and technologies. Below are some photos taken during the events.
Combustion Dynamics and Unsteady Combustion, by Prof. Sébastien Candel

Advanced Laser Diagnostics in Combustion Research, by Prof. Mark Linne

Combustion Chemistry, by Prof. Alison Tomlin

Combustion Theory, Modeling, and Application, by Prof. Heinz Pitsch