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Faculties, posdocs and students of the Center for Combustion Energy participated in CI’s 40th International Symposium-Emphasizing Energy Transition


Faculties, posdocs and students of the Center for Combustion Energy participated in CI’s 40th International Symposium-Emphasizing Energy Transition

From July 21 to 26, 2024, the 40th International Symposium-Emphasizing Energy Transition was held in Milan, Italy. More than 1,600 experts, scholars and students from all over the world attended the conference. Twenty-six teachers and students from the Center for Combustion Energy attended the conference and conducted extensive exchanges and learning with international counterparts on related research work. At the conference, 22 papers from the Center for Combustion Energy were accepted as oral (OPP) or poster presentations (PPP). Prior to the conference, some teachers and students of the center participated in satellite conferences such as Flame Chemistry (FC), Measurement and Computation of Reacting flows with Carbon Nanoparticles (ISF), and Rapid Compression Machine (RCM). Among them, Professor Yang Bin of the center is the main person in charge of the FC conference.

List of the presentations:

Oral Paper Presentations:

1. 1A02: PROCI-D-23-00591 A weight growth route from 2-naphthyl-methyl radical to tricyclic aromatics. M. Wu, Z. Liu, Z. Chu, C. Wang, X. Wu, J. Huang, L. Zhao, J. Yang, B. Yang, F. Zhang

2. 1A09: PROCI-D-23-00453 Probing the synergistic effect of NH3 and N2O oxidation using an RCM coupled with time-resolved molecular beam mass spectrometry. W. Liao, Z. Chu, B. Yang

3. 1A11: PROCI-D-23-00569 New insights into the NH3/N2O/Ar system: Key steps in N2O evolution. Q. Wang, H. Wang, H. Chen, W. Liao, Z. Liu, Z. Hu, R. Sui, Z. Wang, B. Yang

5. 1F08: PROCI-D-23-00594 Artificial neural network-based Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for high-dimensional Bayesian inference of reaction kinetics models. C. Liu, Y. Wang, C. Tao, C.K. Law, B. Yang

5. 2C03: PROCI-D-23-01628 Extinction of microgravity partially premixed flame aboard the Chinese Space Station. Y. Wen, L. Li, X. Li, L. Luo, T. Chen, W. Zhang, H. Zhou, S. Chen, Y. Sun, J. Shi, X. Huang, R. Mével, S. Wang, H. Zheng, X. Yang, X. Zhang, Y. He, C. Du, J. Cao, Y.C. Liu

6. 2J05: PROCI-D-23-00550 Effect of ferric chloride addition on soot formation during ethylene pyrolysis in a laminar flow reactor. Q. He, Y. Zhou, X. You

7. 3A01: PROCI-D-23-00501 Revealing the initial pyrolysis behavior of decalin in an experimental study coupled with neural network assisted molecular dynamics. H. Xiao, Z. Chu, C. Wang, J. Lu, L. Zhao, B. Yang

8. 3F08: PROCI-D-23-00625 Efficient combustion kinetic parameter optimization via variational inference. Y. Wang, C. Liu, C. Tao, C.K. Law, B. Yang

9. 3G07: PROCI-D-23-01422 On the stabilization mechanism of high-speed deflagrations in narrow channels with heat loss. C. Chen, D. Valiev, C. Miao, C.K. Law

10. 4B04: PROCI-D-23-00850 Role of bromine doping in freely-propagating hydrogen-oxygen flames. H. Li, J. Li, W. Liang, C.K. Law

11. 4G04: PROCI-D-23-00639 Structure–property relationships in fluorescence of carbon dots from premixed ethylene flames. C. Shen, Y. Zhou, S. Shao, X. You

12. 4J01: PROCI-D-23-00459 Surface-gas chemistry coupling and stability limits of hydrogen/air combustion in catalytic microchannels. L. Qin, Q. Cheng, J. Mantzaras, C.K. Law, R. Sui

13. 4J02: PROCI-D-23-01325 Investigation of longitudinal selfexcited combustion instability in a micromix hydrogen combustor, H. Qi, X. Tian, Z. Feng, Y. Yang, D. Liu, Q. Wang, G. Wang, L. Xu,  X. Xi

14. 5D01: PROCI-D-23-01353 Chemical insights into plasma-assisted methane dry reforming in a nanosecond discharge. H. Chen, Z. Liu, Z. Li, R. Zhang, J. Yang, N. Hansen, B. Yang

15. 5D08: PROCI-D-23-00455 Surface kinetics and pressure dependence of propane oxidation over platinum. F. Zhang, D. Han, J. Mantzaras, C.K. Law, R. Sui

16. 5E05: PROCI-D-23-01505 Investigation on flame propagation and end-gas autoignition of ammonia/hydrogen in a full-field-visualized rapid compression machine. R. Zhang, Q. Zhang, Y. Qi, B. Yang, Z. Wang

17. 5F06: PROCI-D-23-01245 On the Z-shaped explosion limits of acetylene-oxygen mixtures. J. Li, W. Liang, W. Han, C.K. Law

18. 5F11: PROCI-D-23-00530 Dynamics of detonation cellular structure in linear and nonlinear instability regimes. Z. Weng, R. Mével

Poster Paper Presentations:

19. M14: PROCI-D-23-00354 Effect of simultaneous H2 and NH3 addition on soot formation in co-flow diffusion CH4 flame. Y. Yang, S. Zheng, M. Xu, B. Liu, S. Zhu, R. Sui, Q. Lu

20. T18: PROCI-D-23-00532 Real gas effects on the dynamics of a reactive diffusion layer: Application to the study of spontaneous ignition limit of pressurized hydrogen jet. Z. Weng, Y. Tan, B.M. Maxwell, R. Mével

21. T21: PROCI-D-23-00806 Revisiting performance of reactivity stratification with hydrogen addition for ammonia combustion. W. Guan, C. Chi, W. Liang, D. Thévenin

22. T31: PROCI-D-23-01543 On the role of hydrodynamic instability and flame symmetry in flame-acoustic coupling in narrow channels. C. Miao, L. Benteux, D.M. Valiev

Approved by:Yu Cheng Liu, Xiaoqing You

Address: Room 511, Lee Shau Kee Science and Technology Building, Tsinghua University, Haidian Dist., Beijing, China 100084
Tel:(+86) 010-627-98267

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