Our Mission
To provide the next generation of combustion researchers with comprehensive knowledge in the technical areas of combustion theory, combustion chemistry, and combustion-related experiments, computation, fundamentals and applications.
The 2019 Session
The 2019 session, scheduled for July 14 to July 20, 2019, will offer four courses:
1. Structure and Dynamics of Combustion Waves;
2. Nonsteady Combustion Physics in Flows;
3. Advanced Laser Diagnostics in Turbulent Combustion;
4. Combustion Chemistry.
Intended Participants
Graduate students, postdocs and faculty members in universities; combustion professionals in research organizations; R & D engineers in industries.
Program Dates
Opening Date for Application:Monday, April 01, 2019
Closing Date for Application:Tuesday, April 30, 2019
AdmissionDecision:Monday,May 20, 2019
Arrival & Welcome Reception:Registration desk will be openonSunday, July 14, 2019, from 10:00 am to 5:30 pmat Tsinghua University. This will be followed by an orientation and welcome reception in the evening at6:00 pm.
Class Schedule:Classes will be held daily fromMonday, July 15 to Friday, July 19, 2019
Farewell Reception:Afarewellreception will be held onFriday evening, July 19, 2019
Departure:Saturday, July 20, 2019
Applications should be made online athttp://www.cce.tsinghua.edu.cn/list.php?catid=95&page=1starting fromMonday,April 01, 2019toTuesday, April 30, 2019. Admission decisions will be sent byMonday, May 20, 2019.Admittedapplicants should remit their registration fee byFriday,May 31, 2019to complete the registration. Late applications may be considered depending on space availability.
Location & Accommodation
The Summer School will be held at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Meal plans covering breakfast, lunch and dinner, are available to most participants. Participants may make their own arrangements to stay and dine at nearby hotels and restaurants.
Registration:1,000 RMB for students and 1,500 RMB for all other participants.
Meals:Each participant will receive a Tsinghua canteen card for the use within the event period. The cost of the canteen card and the conference reception and farewell dinners is included in the registration fee.
Lodging:A limited number of on-campus lodging will be provided upon further request this year. Most participants are encouraged to make reservations to nearby hotels. A list of suggested hotel will be provided later.
Note on Course Selection
The courses onCombustion Chemistryand onStructure and Dynamics of Combustion Wavesare the foundational combustion courses, suggested to be taken by first-timers especially first-year students. The other two are advanced, enrichment courses.
Poster Session
Applicants are encouraged to submit abstracts for the poster session, with recently published or accepted papers by the presenter related to the work. Exhibition space is limited and decision on acceptance will be made by the organizing committee.
Further Inquiries
For inquiries on the academic program or the logistics of participation, please contact the program administrator, Ms. Hong Tian, (86)10-62796768,ccess@tsinghua.edu.cn, or the program co-organizer, Prof. Yu-Cheng Liu,ycliu7@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn
Address: Room 511, Lee Shau Kee Science and Technology Building, Tsinghua University, Haidian Dist., Beijing, China 100084
Tel:(+86) 010-627-98267
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